Understanding Art Study

Picasso, Botticelli, van Gogh – they are the most famous figures in art. If you want to achieve a profound understanding of art, take a look at their masterpieces. You’ll find out uniqueness of their masterpiece by checking out if all the elements of art are present.

Art Studies is a discipline that is concerned with the artistic culture of society as whole. It involves analysing various types of arts, its characteristics, and relationships to reality, origins, law of development, roles in the history of social consciousness, and other cultural phenomenon. It has a wide coverage that needs deep internalization to grasp the subject.

What actually is art study?

Art study is a practice piece created by an artist. It can be a painting, drawing, or sketching that is used to create the main piece to help the artist plan the elements of the masterpiece such as colour scheme, composition, subject, etc.

What is art and why should you study it?

Many people argue that art cannot be defined. On the other hand, people’s perspective toward art varies depending on the background, education and culture.

Let’s look at the different types of art

Types of Art


Bonus Tip on Art Study

Art school is fun and interesting. You’ll be exposed to different art forms which can shape your life perspective and the world in general. Look at other pieces of art – make them your inspiration when crafting one. Art study is important to create quality art where all elements are at play.