Multiple schools and universities claim to have the best art history Ph.D. programs in the US, but it’s challenging to prove that. Still, many students look forward to obtaining one due to research and expertise purposes.

When it comes to obtaining a history Ph.D., you have a few selected options. However, you should know that most universities will have different requirements. Therefore, it would be best to inform yourself about all the alternatives you have at hand before making a decision.

Today, we’ll be presenting some of the best art history Ph.D. programs in the US. You have (but are not limited to) some of the following options:

  1. University of Delaware
  2. University of Michigan
  3. Yale University

University of Delaware

According to the University of Delaware, there are two options for students interested in acquiring a history Ph.D. These choices are the following:

  1. The first option is designed for graduates who possess a MA in art history or an equivalent.
  2. There is the “Direct Ph.D. Program,” which is available for students with a Bachelor’s Degree in Art History or another field related to the arts.

According to the main page, the Direct Ph.D. program requires you to comply with thirty-six credits of graduate coursework and complying with the language prerequisite, which is two languages. You can read the full list of requirements on the university’s official page.

Students with a MA will be required to reunite all the prerequisites that the Direct Ph.D. Program states, but they must comply with twenty-four credits of graduate coursework outside of the MA. Eighteen of these credits should be in Art History seminar courses. The rest is up to the student.

Yale University

The graduate program has been put on stand by for the current year (2021) but will continue to receive admissions in 2022. However, please note this university does not have an “MA-only” alternative for interested.

You can find more information about Yale University’s Graduate Program for History of Art.

University of Michigan

The University of Michigan offers a graduate program in History of Art. According to their front page, the program focuses on “historical practice” mostly. The university also makes emphasis on cross-cultural and interdisciplinary education.

Suppose you decide to enroll in this university’s graduate program in History of Art. In that case, you will extend your knowledge about contemporary art in different parts of the globe, including Africa, America, Asia, and Europe. Asian, European, and Islamic art also include medieval and early modern art courses from these regions.

This university encourages each student to expand their areas of specialization and acquire new abilities regarding the production, reception, and function of pieces of artwork in different media.

What is the best option, then?

We have covered three of the most popular choices among the student community. However, you should know that this matter is subjective and tied to each person’s experience. Other options you can consider are Arizona State University, for example.

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